Shri Shivaji Education Society,Amravati's

Shri R.R.Lahoti Science College Morshi .
Dist. Amravati

Affiliated to Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University, Amravati
Reaccredited 'B' Grade - NAAC, Bangalore
ISO Certified 9001:2015

Dress code vocational wing

Dress code (uniform) for H.Sc. Vocational Wing

For all the students of H.Sc. Vocational Wing the prescribed uniform is compulsory.

For Girls

  • Cream base brown lining Kurti/Kameez
  • Brown Shalwar
  • Brown Dupatta

for Boys

  • Cream base brown lining shirt
  • Brown coloured trouser


1) Dress material is available in co-operative store of the college and it is compulsory to purchase from there only.

2) Students must attend the college in uniform only (except Thursday), violation will lead to disciplinary action.

3) For further details contact H. Sc. Vocational Incharge